Adolescent is a period of transition that must be passed all childhood to adulthood. Many things happen in this phase, adolescents who successfully passed the transition phase will determine the success undergo adult stage. This study focuses on one…
This research focuses on developing relationships between teachers and students in the film "Big Brother 2018," which demonstrates the existence of liberation education. Using a descriptive-qualitative research method to provide specifics on how to…
The purpose of this paper is to learn more about Dewi Sartika's activities and initiatives to raise the standard of education, particularly for women. As the figure of Dewi Sartika expects, a woman's role as a potential housewife can be stated to…
A diet excessive and exceeds the number of calories the body can trigger the onset of diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by elevated blood sugar. The purpose of this study was to prove a link between diet and increased frequency of…
This research was conducted to answer the question "Can the accuracy of the Financial Statements be trusted?" Accounting fraud in financial reporting raises great doubts
and losses for investors, creditors and other stakeholders. As a result, users…
Sufi is an activity that gives an ethical and spiritual touch to the community. In the midst of
its development, on the other hand there is homework for the Sufi group to take part.
Because of the moral decadence among students, their…
HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) adolescents accumulated from 1991-2014 were 71 patients, and STIs (infectious sexually transmitted infections) in 2014 were 81 patients. Causes of HIV/AIDS and STIs in…
Sistem praktik klinik kebidanan yang berjalan selama ini, terbukti selain belum mampu meningkatkan hard skills, juga belum mampu meningkatkan soft skills mahasiswa. Hal ini berdampak pada kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Salah satu upaya untuk…
Hipertensi menjadi salah satu penyakit mematikan didunia. Hipertensi disebabkan karena pola
hidup yang tidak terkontrol dan kurang menjaganya aktifitasfisik, yang menimbulkan gangguan
kesehatan dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Usia salah satu faktor…