Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Teman Sebaya Dengan Perilaku Seks Berisiko HIV dan IMS Pada Remaja Di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Dublin Core


Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Teman Sebaya Dengan Perilaku Seks Berisiko HIV dan IMS Pada Remaja Di Kabupaten Banyuwangi


Youth, HIV/AIDS and STIs, Knowledge, Peer Behavior


HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) adolescents accumulated from 1991-2014 were 71 patients, and STIs (infectious sexually transmitted infections) in 2014 were 81 patients. Causes of HIV/AIDS and STIs in adolescents due to risky sex behavior by not using condoms. The purpose of this study was to analyze factors related to sex behavior risk of HIV/AIDS and STIs in adolescents. This research was conducted to analyze factors related to sex behavior of HIV/AIDS and STI in adolescent in Banyuwangi Regency, analytical observation research design which is cross sectional with sample 120 responden. The results showed that variables related to HIV/AIDS risk behavior and IMS based on Chi-Square test were knowledge (p value = 0,010), and peer behavior (p value = 0.044). With the incidence of HIV/AIDS and STIs among adolescents, it is hoped that risk behavior control will be conducted through positive activities and increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS and STIs, and regularly conduct health education and follow health related events ie search for HIV/AIDS ambassadors. For the Health Office it is necessary to improve the development program on reproductive health among adolescents by taking an active role in conducting counseling in schools.


Eko Budi Santoso


Infokes: Info Kesehatan Vol. 7 No 1, Juli, 2017
ISSN: 2655-2213


Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Surabaya



