The Intensity of Using E-Money by Testing Theory of Planned Behavior and Financial Literacy (Case Study on Millennial Generation in East Java)

Dublin Core


The Intensity of Using E-Money by Testing Theory of Planned Behavior and Financial Literacy (Case Study on Millennial Generation in East Java)


Theory of Planned Behaviour, Financial Literacy, E-Money


This research was conducted in line with technological developments, especially those related to non-cash payments using electronic money (e-money). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, financial literacy and behavior intention on the intensity of e-money use. Behavior intention as an intervening variable will mediate the relationship between attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and financial literacy on the intensity of e-money use. The sample chosen is the millennial generation (age range 21-37 years) of e-money users who live in the capital city of East Java, namely the city of Surabaya. The research sample was taken using convenience sampling method. The survey results obtained were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the analysis can be concluded that the behavior intention variable indirectly mediates the relationship between subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and financial literacy on the intensity of e-money use.


Ratih Dewi Titisari Haryana dan Rini Novianti