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artikel rasi.pdf
Menarche merupakan haid pertama yang terjadi pada wanita karena adanya proses pengeluaran darah dari uterus disertai oleh serpihan selaput dinding uterus dan terjadi secara periodik. Konseling merupakan metode untuk membantu memecahkan masalah klien.…

3. Maharani Naek Cetak 18-23.pdf
World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2017, diabetes mellitus termasuk penyakit yang paling banyak diderita oleh penduduk di seluruh dunia dan merupakan urutan ke-4 dari prioritas penelitian nasional untuk penyakit degeneratif. Tujuan penelitian ini…

2. Hepti Naek cetak 8-17.pdf
Masalah gizi seperti gizi kurang dan infeksi akan mengakibatkan peningkatan angka kejadian morbiditas dan mortalitas. Pemberian ASI perlu ditingkan untuk menurunkan angka morbiditas bayi. Meskipun Departemen Kesehatan RI telah menganjurkan agar bayi…

Jurnal Crackers Kelor Bu Rita.pdf
Crackers is one of the snack foods, which can be variated in various types of and flavors. This study aimed to determine the sensory preference, nutrition content, and shelf life of Moringa oliefera leaf (Mol) crackers. Utilization of Mol is by…

artikel 2 (1).pdf
Sufi is an activity that gives an ethical and spiritual touch to the community. In the midst of
its development, on the other hand there is homework for the Sufi group to take part.
Because of the moral decadence among students, their…

IJRSM F34.pdf
Background: Infancy is a critical period which required special and thorough treatment. The pursuant of optimal growth and development of infant is influenced by some factors which are correlated namely, genetics, environment, behavior, and stimulus.…

Research 3. E-Money.pdf
This research was conducted in line with technological developments, especially those related to non-cash payments using electronic money (e-money). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of attitude, subjective norms, perceived…

This research was conducted to answer the question "Can the accuracy of the Financial Statements be trusted?" Accounting fraud in financial reporting raises great doubts
and losses for investors, creditors and other stakeholders. As a result, users…
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