Along with the increasing welfare in developing countries, there is also an increase in degenerative diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. Diabetic patients with high sugar in the long term can worsen the body condition and damage other…
We investigated bird species richness and feeding guilds in two contrasting habitat types i.e. forest and
developed areas in Muallim district of Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. Field surveys were conducted by
using point-count observation along…
Pandemi Covid-19 dirasakan dampaknya pada dunia ksehatan maupun
bidang pendidikan. Fenomena ini membuat para pendidik menggunakan
berbagai media pembelajaran secara daring untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
kognitif, afektif dan social. Berbagai kreatifitas…
The acceptance is the patient’s acceptance of the food served in a predetermined diet of food waste. The temperature of food and equipment unsed in serving food can affect the appetite of the patient to consume the food.This research was located…
Wounds have slowed healing due to the formation of biofilms, which are the surface formation of bacterial cells that are covered by the polymeric substance. Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive bacteria that play a role in producing multilayer in…
Emesis gravidarum atau nama lainnya nausea gravidarum (NVP), atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah morning sickness adalah gejala mual - biasanya disertai
muntah - yang umumnya terjadi pada awal kehamilan, biasanya pada trisemester pertama. Kondisi ini…