Penerapan Media Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi Siswa Kelas 5-6 di SDN 11/262 Semolowaru

Dublin Core


Penerapan Media Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi Siswa Kelas 5-6 di SDN 11/262 Semolowaru


media, tumpeng gizi seimbang, knowledge, nutrition


For slather arise problem nutrition the, need socialized guidelines nutrition balanced that
can made as guidelines eat, move physical, life clean and maintain weight body
normal.Research this is type research quasy experiment. Research quasy
experiment.Technique total sampling, that is technique taking sample that do with teke
whole population as sample for investigated that is as much 74 students. Instrument that in
use that is test knowledge/questionnaire and sheet behind.Level knowledge nutrition
students besed on design counseling thet use media show that in part big students have
knowledge nutrition less that is as much 7 (18,4%) students that have knowledge nutrition
that enough as much 25 (65,7%) person and have knowledge good as much 6 (15%)
students. As for level knowledge nutrition students based on counseling no use media show
that as much 18 (24,3%) students that have knowledge that less as much 15 (20,3%)
students, and have knowledge good as much 3 (4%) students. Results analysis statistics use
test T obtained value p=0,017 and a=0,005 by because p<a then H0 rejected that that is there is difference between application media tumpeng nutrition sheet behind with no use sheet behind Based on results test T statistics show that no use sheet behind more nice of
the that use sheet behind. For agency health need geve socialization to students schoolgirl in SD because still many child SD not yet knowledge tumpeng nutrition or four pillar nutrition balanced


Penulis 1 : Suci Ferdiana
Penulis 2 : Muhammad Nasir


Infokes : Info Kesehatan
P-ISSN 2087-877X, E-ISSN 2655-2213
Vol 14 No 02 Halaman 17-21 (2017)


Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Surabaya



